Hey Everyone,
We are big fans of Cat VS Pickles and have them dotted around the house, mainly because the girls just leave them there but its always a nice surprise to find these little friends in random places as they are so cute!
So we’ve had the OG’s, the giant plushies and now they have new reversible Cats VS Pickles! They are oh so squishy and all kinds of cute. One side is the cat and if you turn them inside out it reveals the pickles!
I have to say that the girls were super excited about these, especially when we went to Smyths Toys so that they could choose them. You’ll find them right by the rest of the collection, they are slightly bigger than the originals and are very soft and cuddly to touch.
I won’t lie, we have so many of these little squishy toys that I don’t know all of their names but I will tell you that Kitty Cakes becomes Frosted Flo, Touchdown becomes Punt, Garth is twinned with Leith Pickleson, Kicks is together with Foul Baldrick, Psychadelicat flips into Groovy Gill and Roboticat morphs into Mech- Pickle! Now you can be both team Cat and team Pickle!
These are £11.99 and there are 6 of these to collect, we have 3 of them!
Laura x