One of the biggest learning curves children experience is where they encounter obstacles in their daily lives. There could be a disagreement at school between friends, a struggle at school with a subject or they’re stuck on their homework.
Whatever the issue may be, they can be easily overcome by providing for your child using these tips from this junior school in surrey.
Avoid complaining
Children will complain and moan quite possibly until the problem goes away by itself, which isn’t the best way to resolve the situation. When they begin to complain in this way try and flip the conversation to something more positive.
There are ways to resolve the situation without it feeling like a chore for your child. Reinforcing positive affirmations in front of them and talking calmly about the problem will boost their self-esteem.
Play problem-solving games
Give them scenarios where there’s a problem your child has to solve and see how they react to the situation. Give them a range of situations where your child has to think critically about their next steps.
This also tests skills that are learnt within the classroom like social skills, thinking on their own initiative and communication.
Take part in meaningful activities
Join in with local projects, volunteer at a local organisation or help support the school with a scheme they’re currently running. Opportunities like these don’t come around often yet they can show your child the fundamentals of how to solve problems and think on their own feet.
One important thing to remember is to let your child take the lead when making these decisions. They will feel more empowered and confident if they’re allowed to make the big choices of the day, and it will pay off when they begin to overcome obstacles they previously struggled with.
Laura x